Each Designer Luxe Bouquet contains 10 to 15 stems of our best seasonal blooms along with complementary foliage. These statement bouquets are hand-wrapped in kraft paper.
Each Hand-tied Bouquet contains7 to 11 grower’s choice blooms wrapped in paper.
Each Market Bunch contains5-8 grower’s choice blooms wrapped in paper.
Free pickup in the Junction on Wednesdays (April 30, May 14, 21, 28, June 4, June 18).
Prepaid delivery within Toronto can be arranged separately on designated Thursdays (May 1, 15, 22, 29, June 5, June 19) for $10 or $15 per bouquet.
Dates are subject to change due to Mother Nature. We will send out an email to communicate timing based on observable field conditions in late April.
Regular price$420.00
We currently do not have capacity to send out reminder emails for pickup, please save the dates above.