Tulip Silver Parrot 10-pack
Tulip Silver Parrot 10-pack
Tulip Silver Parrot 10-pack

Tulip Silver Parrot 10-pack

"A sport of exquisite Apricot Parrot, Tulip ‘Silver Parrot’ boasts predominantly pink flowers edged with silvery-white. Copiously ruffled and fringed like feathers, the large flower, when exposed to the sun, opens so wide that it almost flattens out, revealing its brilliant colors. The variegated foliage, trimmed in creamy white, is attractive on its own. One of the latest tulips to bloom in late spring, this spectacular Parrot Tulip enjoys an extraordinary long vase life.

Growing up to 14-16 inches tall, this tulip creates dazzling harmonies with other late-season flowering bulbs."

Orders begin shipping on October 29th. We are a micro farm, please allow up to 1-2 weeks for your order to be fulfilled. Local orders are available for pickup from the Junction and the Stop Farmer's Market at Wychwood Barns on Saturday, October 28th. You will receive an email confirming that your order is shipped or ready for pickup.

Regular price$19.95

We currently do not have capacity to send out reminder emails for pickup, please save the dates above.

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